Sustainable systems -11

 – 19th march 2020  – Sahiba Madaan

In the start Ma’am reminded us about aims of the UN  and  explored  our perception of them,  even reflected light on the four “R”,reduce,  save, recycle and re-use.  We also addressed the  cradle to cradle and the  up-cycling cycle.


Ma’am then informed us about our next group assignment in which we all were given social related issues and we have to create that connects the public and engages them to aware and inform them about the issue, Animal cruelty was our topic,we decided to create a game, jingle and info graphics .

The module has to be interactive, To do this, we had to carry out analysis and  collect data, address suggestions and potential improvements, and then develop  the module.

We decided 4 categories on which we will focus upon:

  1. Hide/Body parts
  2. Consumption
  3. Entertainment
  4. Testing on animals

Our target audience for ages 10-20, we thought of creating a games inspired of the concepts of Pokemon cards , where the information of the animals are written the person with more power wins. We wanted people to be aware about : Animal endangerment, their existing species, their position in food chain, their population.

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