Integrative Seminar 008

Meenal Sutaria Monday, 23rd September’19

Navigating in new city

In the beginning of the class started with the discussion of our recent visit to the museum Dr. Bhau Daji lal  , the museum has displayed beautiful artifacts, and history of so many years. In the museum visit we were told about the city’s establishment and how after so many years it has become a metropolitan city of 23 million population .

We discussed about ,What is a city made up of?’, ‘Why and what we write about cities?’ and ‘How does one navigate through cities?’,  It was important to keep that in mind that these questions are to be set in an era where, there was no WiFi, GPS, navigator, internet to get the information.

We were split into groups of 5 and were made to list down the answer to these questions. With everyone’s different understanding and answers to these questions gave an insight to other perspective of understanding.

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