Objects as History 012

26th march 2020 – Vedant Sharma

The Prophet

The Arabian Peninsula had been place for trade and exploration. There were divided tribes, but one man named “MUHAMMAD” a messenger of god, prophet of Islam and founder of Islam.  He believed gods has send him a message to introduce people to a religion. But his personal goal was to have an army of his own conquer and rule .

“Islam in India”

The Arab expansion began as they became strong conquered countries, as one their journey to world we made their way to the mughals  ruling country “India”.

The Mughal dynasty rose from Delhi,there many powerful, influential rulers who ruled Humayun, Babar ,Bahadur Shah Zafar II, Akbar, Jahangir, Aurangzeb, Shah Jahan.

Predecessor like Akbar and Successor like Aurangzeb had different mindsets, a king like Akbar united the people respecting their religion rather than oppression of religion he introduced “Dine-e-Lahi ” uniting the beliefs of Hinduism and Islamism to spread positivity and freedom of religion to the people, on the contrary Aurangzeb bought back the old rulers beliefs ,that created issues in his ruling and he became the last mughal ruler.

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