Objects as History 011

19th march 2020 – Vedant Sharma

Egyptian history

For this session sir taught us about the Egyptian civilization, Egypt has a long and wealthy country for ages. Egypt, country located in the northeastern corner of Africa.It is settled on the Nile river irrigates the channel  and the runoff flows  straight to the farm.

Nile River: exploration

Ancient Egyptian religion has many gods and symbols, the Egyptians had strong beliefs that the flat line signifies the gods as it’s symbolizes the immortality. Whereas the circle symbolizes the circle of life and death “the mortality ” of the powerless beings. Egyptian believed in afterlife they believed where the ine and circle connects the gods age ends.

Their believe in something more than just existence made them have of impossible things, they believed if they draw something it will come to life. If they pray the gods they can turn back the life of someone from death to alive, that gave the act of mummification.

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